Since 1996


Joe Carroll
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
For more than twenty-five years Cynergy-Global has been advising clients and investing alongside some of the world's best known Venture Capitalists, Private Equity Firms, Hedge Fund Managers, Research Analysts, and Multi-National Corporations.
We were active participants in the largest global economic expansion that the world has ever known, and we witnessed first-hand the globalization of many historically closed economies. With that came a unique global-macroeconomic perspective that we shared and continue to share with a select group of clients.
Much of our early activity was focused on the development and deployment of clean energy strategies and technologies, which put us front and center for the boom and bust of the global Clean-tech cycle, which in turn taught us invaluable lessons about the necessary balance between environmental sustainability and economic viability.
Back home in the U.S., in 1998 we co-founded a market-based environmental solutions company, Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC ("EBX"), which was selected by the World Bank in January of 2000 as the U.S. selling partner for its $180 million World Bank Prototype Carbon Fund. Building on that success, and after achieving critical scale, EBX merged with Resource Environmental Solutions ("RES") and then sold a controlling interest in the merged companies to the global Private Equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts ("KKR").
Our Clean-tech experience led us to the early-days of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence ("AI"), as well as regular collaboration with the MIT Media Lab through our adjacent offices in the Cambridge Innovation Center ("CIC"). CIC was also home to our US/PRC joint venture, IOT Systems, Inc., where we developed AI enabled cell-phone-assembly-robots that were deployed on factory floors in the PRC and controlled through our Boston-based R&D facility. Our efforts were rewarded with a coveted spot in the the Developers Lab at the December 2017 Amazon Web Services re:Invent Conference, where we were showcased as one of the year's top machine learning AI/IOT technologies. Soon after our AWS re:Invent success, in January of 2018 the U.S. unexpectedly imposed comprehensive tariffs prohibiting the sale of our AI enabled robots into the PRC.
Disappointed but undeterred, we pivoted back to the U.S. and began work on a renewable energy technology designed to convert the waste streams of modern agriculture into zero-emissions renewable energy that could be redistributed either through the electric grid or behind-the-meter ("BTM"). For our efforts we were granted multiple patents, which we then sold to NASDAQ listed Montauk Renewables to fund the wide-scale deployment of our innovative technology.
After another successful exit, we once again pivoted to the more pressing challenges of non-battery clean-energy storage and distributed energy solutions. Our collective work and institutional knowledge in clean energy, AI, and BTM solutions, as well as our on-gong collaboration with Argonne National Laboratories, has led us to several more potentially game-changing breakthroughs that we are continuing to develop for commercial deployment.
It has been a fascinating journey so far, and it's not over yet.
Below you will find a brief description of some of the services that we have provided to our clients over the years.
If you would like to learn more, please send us a note on the form below, and we'll do our best to respond within the same day.
Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Services We Have Provided
We have been active investors in multiple joint-ventures, limited liability companies, wholly-owned foreign enterprises, and exclusive dealings agreements. We have participated through earned equity, options, warrants, in-kind services, and share holder loans.
We have advised clients, partners, and counter-parties in all aspects of international commerce including data analytics, deal structuring, legal and regulatory considerations, intellectual property protection, cultural mores, governmental structures, political alliances, historical context, language translation and interpretation,
We have played an active role in the on-going management of the entities that we have helped to create, including; resource allocation, budgeting, staffing, operational efficiencies, legal & regulatory, document translation, export/import coding, taxes, tariffs & duties, customs, foreign-exchange, shipping & logistics, marketing, advertising, press, print, and social media,
Contact Us
Beijing, PRC